Thursday, May 10, 2012

Road Sign: A Match Made in Heaven

I received an email on Friday, April 27th that stated I could expect a phone call from our caseworker and her team on the afternoon of Thursday, May 3rd.  She, our caseworker, was going out of town on an extended vacation, therefore she wanted to introduce me to her supervisor whom would be handling the details of our case in her absence.

We were also hoping for an update on Plan A.

Thursday came and Thursday went.  No phone call.  At the end of the day, I was disheartened, but strangely at peace.

Friday was measuring up much the same way.  It was about to come and go with no phone call.  Closing time was quickly approaching.  I hesitated, then...

At 5:50pm (EST), I picked up the phone to dial her number.  It rang once.  She answered.  We talked.  As I hung up the phone, well after closing time, I was now mentally and emotionally prepared to move forward with Plan B.

Plan A seemed to be slipping through our fingers.

Approximately twelve minutes later, the phone rang.  The caller ID read Gladney Center for Adoption.


The voice on the other end of the line was hers, our caseworker.  She was calling back with a funny story.  While we were on the phone, she received an email from the orphanage we were waiting to hear from.

It was an email in reference to Plan A.

In the next surreal moment she said,

"Would you like to meet your boys tonight?  I'll call your husband and get him on the line.  Tonight is the night!"

What followed is a wrinkle in time that I will NEVER forget...

We "met" Thunder first.  He is eight years old.  He is an athlete.  He is a good friend and a good student.  He is respectful.  He has the most beautiful smile in all the world.  His hair is curly and dark.  Knight-in-Shining Armor thinks he's dashing.  He also thinks he's a ham.

Then we "met" Lightning.  He is four years old.  He is learning to follow the rules and is not sure he likes to play by himself!  He is friendly and smiles easily.  His eyes say "LOVE ME!".  His cheeks say "PINCH ME!".  I think he's gonna be a momma's boy...a real momma's boy...and I am just fine with that.

I think they are both P.E.R.F.E.C.T.

What we were not prepared for was the information contained in Lightning's medical report.  When we google translated the paperwork, we found reasons for concern.  The next couple of days would send us into a tail spin as we researched and consulted and asked questions and studied doctors' responses.

We had no idea how to respond.

Our hearts had already been given away, but dealing with a condition we never anticipated having to deal with was clouding our view of the future.  These were our boys, the answer to prayer in so many ways...their ages, their gender, their location in Colombia, their social history, their personalities, their background, the timing of the match, even the months of their birthdays, BUT, there was one big BUT.

God in all His goodness came to the rescue.

He aligned every detail of the following days to calm our fears and confirm His Plan A for our family.  His hand in this journey has been UNDENIABLE.  He had introduced us to the boys that He had chosen to be a part of our family.  It was time.  Our paths had crossed and we would never be the same again.

Yesterday, while at the dentist's office for a routine check up and cleaning, my very sweet hygienist gave me a verse of scripture that she thought would be meaningful to me at this point in our journey.  She pulled it up on the computer screen that sat beside the exam chair where I was reclined, and she let me read it for myself:

"He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD."  Psalm 112:7 

Goose bumps ran over my body and I choked up with tears.  It was clear to me that God had commissioned yet another ordinary angel to speak a truth into my life...a truth that would shape our future as we were about to become a family of seven.

The Lord waited patiently for us to process the choice we had to make until we were so overwhelmed by the certainty of this situation that we unanimously cried out,

"YES!  Yes, Lord, these are the boys from Colombia who will complete our family."

On Friday, May 4, 2012, a match was made in heaven.

Yesterday afternoon at 2:00, we sent our Letter of Intent to the Adoption Director at Chiquitines Orphanage in Cali, Colombia, and stated with enthusiasm that it was our heartfelt desire to adopt "Thunder" and "Lightning".

Humbled, and, oh, so happy!


  1. I wish I could hug you!!!! I have been praying for your family and overjoyed at your news. Thank you for sharing---God is so good. I can't wait to read more.

  2. So excited for you and continued to be amazed at God's provision! Praying for you all as you prepare to be united with Thunder & Lightening!

  3. So happy that you have been matched. Two older boys who desperately need a family. It won't be easy, but you won't be alone. Love to you and your family.

  4. What wonderful news!!! I am so happy for you and your family. I will be thinking of you and praying as you move along the path to bringing your boys home.

  5. Heartfelt thanks to each and very one of you! It has been a joy and a pleasure to travel along this highway with you.

  6. Oh my God, congratulations!!! So happy for you guys!
