Saturday, June 9, 2012

Exit: This Way to a Forever Family

Our dossier was APPROVED!

We received an official REFERRAL!

God bless the broken road that led us straight to 'Thunder' and 'Lightning'...the boys from Cali, Colombia, who stole our hearts and will complete our family.

Today there are two less orphans in the world and He gets all the praise, all the honor, and all the glory because of His love and faithfulness.  He has been so gracious to us.

Spurgeon said, "The deeper our troubles have been the louder our thanks to God should be, for He led us through them all and preserved us until now."  So, thank you, Lord, for never once leaving us on our own.  Today, we stand on the "mountaintop" celebrating You, a sovereign Father, who walked us through the "valley".

We are so happy!  'Thunder' and 'Lightning' will be home soon...and that, my friends, is truly music to my ears.

"They shall have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast trusting in the LORD."  
Psalm 112:7

Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible with God"
Luke 18:27

"God sets the lonely in families."
Psalm 68:6


  1. Kelli!! What a roller coaster, and the best part of the ride has been saved for last. I have been praying for your family and your boys & I have been checking your blog regularly to find out if you would get the referrals. Praise God!! I am so happy for your family- can't wait to read more soon.

  2. Thank you for your faithful friendship and prayers, Erin! Thank you for caring. I look forward to the day we get to celebrate YOUR referral!!!
